2019 National Training Conference


Please click the appropriate link below to access a registration form.

If you are an individual
Check Payment **- Individual
PayPal Payment *- Individual

To take advantage of the Chapter Group Discount (buy 4 get 1 free)
Check payment **- Group
PayPal Payment * - Group

Florida Chapters - single day registration (PayPal* only)
To purchase only special event tickets (Paypal* only)

**You do not need to have a PayPal account**.
At the payment screen, Click on the link "And pay with your bank account, debit or credit card..." to use an e-check or credit card.

* PayPal Payments will be processed at PayPal's Secured website.

Hotel Reservations

Embassy Suites Orlando - Lake Buena Vista South
Aug 6, 2019 to Aug 10, 2019

A block of rooms have been reserved for August 6, 2019 - August 10, 2019.The special room rate will be available until the group block is sold-out

A dedicated website is now available for you to book online. 


Please check out the exciting workshops scheduled!

Stay tuned for updates

Program books are a great way to spotlight your company!

Check out the program book page for pricing and details.

Welcome HIRE Conference August 2019
Walt Disney World® Resort
Advance Purchase Savings on Specially Priced  Disney Theme Park Tickets, available for purchase until
August 5, 2019 at 5 p.m.


Remembering Past H.I.R.E. National Training Conferences